Patient Stories
“I Just Smile”
Paula is one of those people who lights up the room when she enters. The kind that you feel like you’ve known forever. The type that you could easily get lost in a conversation with. As an administrative assistant for the Safety Department at Cal-Maine Foods, Paula states that her favorite aspect of her career is the chance to interact with people and has even found a passion for public speaking.
When Paula first began her journey as a patient of Grants Ferry Family Dentistry, she was focused on her oral health, always keeping her regular 6 month appointments. It wasn’t until her children had completed their schooling that Paula felt ready to shift her focus to the smile she had always wanted. With a grandson that keeps her young and on her toes, Paula was relieved to know that a denture was not her only option, and she underwent a smile makeover, utilizing porcelain crowns and bridges, that restored youth and gave her a whole new confidence in her smile.
Today, Paula enjoys working at her church and volunteering with the youth. She says, “every time I look in the mirror, I just smile and can’t believe it! I have so much confidence talking to anyone.” If you are blessed with the opportunity to meet Paula, you will quickly learn that her smile is from within, and it is contagious!
“Totally Worth It“
Meet Harl, one of the most genuine and kind people I have ever met. He served 27 years in the Marines and Coast Guard and now finds joy in serving others by working in retail auto parts. “As simple as it sounds, when someone comes into a parts store, it’s usually because they have a problem and need help. My knowledge and experience enable me to help people when others may not be able to.”
Harl first stepped foot into Grants Ferry Family Dentistry at the insistence of one of his daughters. I soon learned of his lifelong struggle with his oral health, leading him to the loss of most of his teeth and dentures by age 50. What really caught my attentions was that he was 58 years old and determined to receive his bachelor’s degree, possibly for no other reason than to say he did it! (It was this determination and persistence that made me know we would be great friends.) He was self-conscious, unhappy, and uncomfortable with his dentures and ready for a change.
After the placement of dental implants and hybrid dentures, Harl now describes his journey to a healthy, hassle free smile as “totally worth it.” He smiles without abandon and has absolute confidence when interacting with others. You can often find him on the water with his kayak or teaching himself the fundamentals of woodworking, mastering new skills with consistency and determination. I am proud that he can describe his journey at GFFD as a “life changing event;” but mostly, I feel lucky to have crossed paths with a person like Harl and am inspired by the way he takes life by the horns.
“Breezy and Exciting”
This is Barrett. He is one of the coolest people I know, and I have a feeling I may be “name-dropping” his name one day. Born and raised in Mississippi, he is a unique blend of creative, adventurous, artistic, kind, and quite spoken. He has done a little bit of everything from architecture school to nonprofit work and now gifts us with his incredible talent as a floral designer and entrepreneur.
Barrett took my vision to incorporate plants into every aspect of Grants Ferry Family Dentistry and ran with it. His meticulous attention to every detail was like music to my ears, and it did not take long for him to transform my office into a plant oasis, bringing a sense of peace, growth, and life to the practice. Our budding friendship (no pun intended) encouraged Barrett to begin his own journey to the smile he wanted “for as long as (he) can remember!” He described his Sure Smile clear aligner process as “breezy and exciting,” and I don’t think I could have asked for a better patient.
Now chasing a new adventure in Miami Beach, Florida, Barrett will continue to be an inspiration. His motivation to see the world and experience life but remain grounded by trusting himself and making family and friends a priority is sure to lead to big things for Barrett and Pathos Botanicals. If you want to check out his work, including his overhaul of GFFD, follow him on Instagram @pathosbotanicals. You will be glad you did!